INTP Personality Type Explained (MBTI) – Portrait, Traits

The INTP personality type is known as the thinker, logician or architect.

The I stands for introverted, N for intuitive, T for thinking and P for perceiving.

I – Being introverted refers to how you get your energy. You tend to get your energy from quiet time alone and you prefer to focus on your own inner world.

N- Being intuitive refers to how you take in information, you’re not as interested in facts and details and you prefer ideas, concepts, interpretation and adding meaning.

T- Thinking style refers to how you make decisions you prioritize logic reason and passions and you make decisions based on logic.

P – Perceiving style refers to your approach to the outside world you prefer to keep your options open and you enjoy flexibility and being spontaneous.

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The INTP personality seeks to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. They are theoretical and abstract and interested more in ideas and in social interaction. The INTP personality is quite contained, flexible and adaptable. They have an unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in their area of interest. The INTP personality is sceptical, sometimes critical and always analytical.

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