ESFPs are one of the most likely to have a hands-on job in service to others that creates real tangible results.
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and receive this FREE report with a much greater list of careers.
Popular and Unpopular Careers for all personality types.
We have put this list together to help you find a job, career or business that you are likely to enjoy.
While avoiding those you are likely to dislike.
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Best ESFP Job / Career /Business – Online Education Options
1. Social Media Marketing Agency Course
Learn how to creatively promote on social media have fun and grow your personal brand or that of the company you work for.
Click Here to learn more about having a Social Media Marketing agency
2. Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to choose from by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month.
A great starting point if you are not sure what you want to do. Click Here
3. Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self so you can make more money and help more people do the same. Click Here
ESFP Career Books and Work-Related Books
For more information about ESFP careers, choose a few of these books.