ISFP Careers, Jobs, Business Matches

EDUCATION for personality types

Short Video showing some of the Best Careers for ISFPs and Jobs to Avoid

ISFPs are underrepresented among small business owners & MBA Students. Often found in health, business & law jobs.

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Popular and Unpopular Careers for all personality types.

We have put this list together to help you find a job, career or business that you are likely to enjoy.

While avoiding those you are likely to dislike.

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Best ISFP Business / Self Employed / Jobs – Online Education Options

1.Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day. Click Here to start

2. Social Media Marketing Agency Course

Learn how to creatively promote on Social Media and use this in your current job or to get a job in a company that will be able to use your skills as a bonus

Click Here to learn more about having a Social Media Marketing agency

ISFP Career & Work-Related Books

For more information about ISFP careers, choose a few of these books.