Careers, Jobs, Business Ideas for Specific Personality Types

EDUCATION for personality types

1stly Do you know your Myers Briggs Personality Type?

If you are not sure then see our list of Free Personality Tests based on Myers Briggs

Education Based on Personality

Get a new Job or run your own Business

Have you ever studied anything and then decided that it was a waste of time and money as you were never going to use it?

In the table below I have listed education under each personality type.

Our aim is to partner with various people who provide online education and work out which personality it is most suited for.

See which courses suit your type the best for a change of Job, Business or Career. Or just to get better at your current job, career or business.


Ranked as one of the personality types that earn the highest income. Earn more when self-employed

Business / Self Employed

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Fast track your success.

Create Your Own eCommerce Empire
Create an online store/s and have a small team of people helping you.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Being an Affiliate is probably the best online business for those who don’t want to talk to people or have clients and love writing.

Job / Career

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and get a job ranking websites in Google and other search engines. Build other people’s businesses. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Highest in career dissatisfaction of all types. More likely to be self-employed than the average

Business / Self Employed

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
$7/ mth for millionaire tips. You will love the way complex problems are made into simple easy to implement ideas.

Create Your Own eCommerce Empire
Create an online store/s and have a small team of people running it for you while you focus on your next idea.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Being an Affiliate is probably the best online business for those who don’t want to talk to people, or have clients and love writing.

Job / Career

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and get a job ranking websites in Google and other search engines. Build other people’s businesses. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Ranked as a type most likely to be unsatisfied with their work. Slightly more likely to be self-employed

Business / Self Employed

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Work from home and create an online store full of products aligned with your values.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Being an Affiliate is one of the best online business for those who don’t want to talk to people, or have clients and love writing.

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to creatively promote on Social Media and use this in your job or get a job working in social media with a company you believe in.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Ranked highest for college GPA’s. Less likely to manage a team. More likely to be a stay at home parent

Business / Self Employed

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Work from home and create an online store full of products to help people and the planet.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Being an Affiliate is one of the best online business ideas for those who don’t want to talk to people, or have clients and like working from home and love writing.

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to promote on Social Media and use this in your job/business or to get a job with a company that wants to help the human condition.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Overrepresented among small business owners and MBA Students. Often found in management careers

Business / Self Employed

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Create Your Own eCommerce Business
Have an online store/s and have a small team of people helping you run it/them.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Being an Affiliate is one of the best online business for those who don’t want to talk to people, or have clients and love writing.

Job / Career

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and get a job ranking websites in Google and other search engines. Build other people’s businesses. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Among types least likely to complete college. Overrepresented in skilled trades, technical fields, law & military

Business / Self Employed/ Jobs

Valuable Job or Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Have an online store that is aligned with the industry you love.

Maybe you could sell things that you make yourself. Or sell items that you know would help other people in your industry. Great side business.


Underrepresented among small business owners & MBA Students. Often found in health, business & law jobs

Job / Career / Business / Self Employed

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to creatively promote on Social Media and use this in your current job or to get a job in a company that will be able to use your skills as a bonus


Overrepresentation of MBA Students and male small business owners. Often found in education, health and religious careers.

Business / Self Employed

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)  and build a business ranking other people’s websites in Google and other search engines. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Tai creates education products. So you could work from home, with no clients, writing about education that can help other people to have a better life.

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Have an online store with health and education products or other products that help people and excite you.

Job / Career

Rank Websites in Google

Learn SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and get a job ranking websites in Google and other search engines. Build other people’s businesses. 8-week course by an SEO specialist who does this every day.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


You earn more than any other type when self-employed and are most likely to manage a large team.

Business / Self Employed

Social Media Marketing Agency
Set up the structure of your agency and eventually employ teams of people to carry out your vision. Growth industry with huge earning potential.

Create Your Own eCommerce Empire
Start with one eCommerce store and expand with a team of people running your stores for you.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For just $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Fast track yourself to wealth.

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Learn to do what Tai is doing and have other people be affiliate marketers for your products and services

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote on social media and become a social media manager, or supervise others.  Solve problems, plan strategically and set goals for greater efficiency and productivity

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Ranked as the most likely personality type to be self-employed and earn more when you are.

Business / Self Employed

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
Tai Lopez is an ENTP so it’s invaluable for you to learn from him. For just $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Fast track yourself to the kind of wealth you have always dreamed of.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Learn to do what Tai (ENTP) is doing and have other people be affiliate marketers for your products and services

Social Media Marketing Agency
Become an Expert in Social media, increase your own influence with an agency run by other while you focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.

Create Your Own eCommerce Business
Start with one eCommerce store and expand with a team of people running the day to day stuff while you focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote on social media and grow your own influence or that of the company you work for. Become the Social Media expert that everyone wants to work for them.

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Tend to earn more if self-employed, maybe because you are more able to do what you are passionate about.

Business / Self Employed

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Social Media Marketing Agency
Come up with creative ideas for businesses on social media and make the world a better place by benefiting people in innovative and original ways

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Promote products that inspire you and make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Use social media for affiliate marketing to help other people develop as individuals through the products you promote.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self so you can make more money and help more people do the same

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote on social media and use this certificate to get a job with a company that you believe will help people and the world

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month


Ranked as one of the personality types to have high job satisfaction but also the most likely to plan to leave.

Job / Career

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote yourself and others on social media and use this certificate to get a job with a company that sells things you believe in

Valuable Job Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Business / Self Employed

Valuable Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Social Media Marketing Agency
Organise the Social Media for businesses you believe in and make the world a better place

Create Your Own eCommerce Store
Promote products that inspire you and make a positive difference in the world

Affiliate Marketing Business Training  for Tai Lopez Products
Transferable skills for any affiliate marketing. Use social media for affiliate marketing. Through the products, you promote help educate other people so they can become better at what they do.

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self so you can make more money and help and educate more people


One of the most likely to enjoy a Management position in an organisation that is very structured

Job / Career / Business

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote on social media and use this certificate to get a job with a company that has an authority structure and is organised

Valuable Job or Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Use these tips when you are managing other people and sky rocket the success of the company.


One of the most unlikely to have a desk job. One of the most likely to have a hands-on job

Job / Career/ Business

Valuable Job or Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose from taught by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Use this to avoid having a desk job and to create the hands-on work life of your dreams.


One of the most likely to have a hands-on job in service to others that creates real tangible results.

Job / Career / Business

Social Media Marketing Certificate
Learn how to creatively promote on social media have fun and grow your personal brand or that of the company you work for.

Valuable Job or Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Help yourself and other people with these tips and with the extra money you earn to create real tangible results.


Prefer work that involves helping people in practical ways. Also, enjoy organising processes and people

Job / Career / Business

Social Media Marketing Agency or Certificate
Learn how to effectively promote on social media. Run your own agency, or work for others organising their social media.

Valuable Job or Business Skills Certifications
Many 1 day certificates to chose by experts in their field. Only $1 for the 1st 3 days to check it out then $7/month

Millionaire Money Mentor – 5 min/day
For $7/ mth get the tips that a millionaire would now tell his 18-year-old self. Help yourself and other people with practical tips that help you succeed in life and work

I love learning new things and have done lots of online and in-person courses. After I found my Myers Briggs typing I realised that even though some of these courses seemed interesting while I was doing them I was never going to use them. Why? well because I would really dislike having to do what was involved to be successful.

For example, I once paid $2000 to go to a weekend course on PR. It was about writing articles and then getting them in publications like magazines and newsletters. It would really help my SEO clients and I thought it might be an extra service I could provide. The course was fantastic. But if I had to write articles and then get on the phone and chase up people to see if they would get published I would hate my life!!!! So I ended up spending $2000 to learn that I needed to find someone else to provide this service.

Now that I understand my personality type, I will no longer waste time and money doing courses that are unsuitable for me. I hope that you can also save time and money by only doing education that really suits your personality. Some of these courses will pay me an affiliate commission if you chose to sign up

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ENFJ careers – Click Here
ENFP careers – Click Here
ENTJ careers – Click Here
ENTP careers – Click Here
ESFJ careers – Click Here
ESFP careers – Click Here
ESTJ careers – Click Here
ESTP careers – Click Here
 INFJ careers – Click Here
INFP careers – Click Here
INTJ careers – Click Here
INTP careers – Click Here
ISFJ careers – Click Here
ISFP careers – Click Here
ISTJ careers – Click Here
ISTP careers – Click Here