ENTJ Personality Type Explained (MBTI) – Portrait, Traits

The ENTJ personality is also known as the executive or the commander.

The E stands for extroverted, the N for intuitive, the T for thinking and the J for judging.

E – Being extroverted means that you get your energy from being around others and you prefer to focus on the outer world.

N – Being intuitive refers to how you take in information, so you’re not as interested in facts and details and you prefer ideas concepts interpretation and adding meaning.

T – Being thinking style means that when you make decisions you prioritize logic reason and passions and you make decisions based on logic.

J – Judging refers to the way that you approach the outside world you tend to prefer structure and order and you enjoy knowing what to expect.

ENTJs are strategic leaders motivated to organize change. They’re quick to see inefficiency and conceptualize new solutions.

The ENTJ is frank decisive and assumes leadership readily. They quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies and develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. ENTJ’s enjoy long-term planning and goal-setting and they are forceful in presenting their ideas. ENTJs are usually well-informed, well-read and they enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.

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