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About the ISFJ personality at work
ISFJ stands for:
- Introverted
- Sensing
- Feeling
- Judging
Motivated by the desire to help others in a practical, organized way.
Like upholding tradition and taking care of others.
Enjoy work that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to established procedures.
Prefer and explicit authority structure and clear expectations.
Prefer to work behind the scenes and receive recognition in a low-key way.
They want to feel like they have fulfilled their duties.
Like well-defined work tasks that achieve a concrete or observable result with little multi-tasking.
Ideal work environment is orderly with plenty of privacy.
Some of the Best Careers for the ISFJ
- Nurse
- Speech Pathologist
- Veterinarian
- Optometrist
- Family Physician
- Electrician
- Jeweler
- Interior Designer
- Biologist
- Food Scientist
Some ISFJ Careers to Avoid
- Copywriter
- Art Director
- Journalist
- Actor
- Photographer
- Chemist
- Attorney
- Market Researcher
- Economist
- Social Scientist
Source: Truity
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